The horse's mouth.

It stands to reason that if we really want to be on top of the news, rather than tapping straight into a news service, we should be tapping into the sources of that news service. That would require, I suppose, listening in to police band radio, or setting up your own personal wire-service that picks up reports from obscure sources. Though this might work, I doubt that anyone with a full-time job could logically devote his or her life to this. Being a true news junkie would seem to be a full-time job unto itself.

Sometimes we're lucky. A CNET News report from last month tells the story of a Los Angeles woman who Twittered that she had just experienced an earthquake. Many more than her regular circle of recipients picked up on her report. I suppose that it's messages of this sort that lead to reports on Wikinews, since being a "news source you can write" requires catching a story from a source other than a wire service. But of course her short message wasn't what let the world know that a rather small earthquake had just taken place. News services were able to get that information from numerous other reliable sources.

Go to: More, more, give me more!, or
Go to: Actually, I could have waited.