Mix them all together you get ... mush.

I have to be careful. Yes, issues crossover into each other - it's impossible to deal with education without considering wider cultural issues, and some of the Hebrew articles I've posted to my static site attempt to examine many of the issues that get raised in the Boidem. I utilize a very simple and basic filtering system of two general categories - what should be saved or earmarked for future use and what I permit myself to forget (and yes, much too much wants to be remembered). Unlike my mother, beyond a basic "save", I don't maintain distinct bins for sorting out which item goes where. Ordinarily it's clear what should be categorized "Boidem" and what "education blog" but the topics that interest me tend to straddle numerous fences and from the outset they don't really adhere to distinct boundaries. Because on the whole the styles (such as they are) of my various web presences are different one from the other I doubt that even a substantial degree of overlap makes much of a difference. Still, there are times while writing that I find myself asking to which platform I'm really working on, and I don't think that's a particularly healthy situation (for the sites themselves) to be in.

Go to: Still the way we were?