Does this still hold a day later?

As I've previously admitted, my whole examination of this junk mail phenomenon started when I returned to my Hotmail account after letting it linger, only to discover that the mail had been pouring in while I'd been busy with other tasks. But that meant that I didn't catch this enticing offer on the night that it was sent, but only a few days later. Was janet69 still lonely, and still available, a few days later? I didn't want to disturb her, so I didn't check.

From :
Subject : 
Do You Still Like Me?
Date : 
Sat, 15 Sep 01 04:00:06 Pacific Daylight Time
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Are you lonely Tonight? Well so am I.

Do you want to play with me?

Cum to me now!!!

Does janet69 know jan69 who sent me an identical letter two weeks earlier? In all honestly, were I not selflessly devoting my precious time to this important area of research I doubt that I would have clicked on jan69's letter. She only asked if I was lonely, whereas janet69 asked if I still like here, suggesting an earlier connection between us that I'd apparently forgotten. On the other hand, the .ac in jan69's address suggests that perhaps she's an academic, and that means that perhaps we could have both a mental and physical relationship.

Go to: It just kept coming and coming, or
Go to: My inbox runneth over.