Let me count the bytes.
A few giga, and still counting.
I'm sure that long ago I gave up on the idea of actually going through that mail
sometime, though I still cling to the notion that somebody might find it interesting
for a master's thesis or something similar. Personal correspondence probably takes
us a rather small percentage of what's there. Work related mail, frequently with
large attached files, take up substantial memory, and PowerPoint presentations
telling us the joys of friendship and the like take up some space as well. But
most probably the bulk of what's there are numerous backlogged newsletters I've
subscribed to over the years. Why, even assuming that I might find the time for
the task, I might want to review these (or even somebody
else might) is a question which I prefer not to deal with.
Go to: Actually, one of many, or
Go to: Content? Did somebody mention content?