Here? Where's here?

How many times in this column do I (or is it "will I") attempt to drive home the point that web sites seem to encourage us to say something, anything, and then immediately run them up the flagpole for public consumption, rather than to reflect on what it is we actually have to say that's worth being said or heard? Probably too many. After all, that's the sort of insight that should show up at the end of the column, a conclusion reached after examining and discussing the issue. And yet here it is, linked to a link from the first paragraph. Have I already, at this stage of this column, run out of things to write?

And that, of course, assumes that this particular linked page was written early on in the writing of this column - an assumption that not only isn't necessarily true, but is also rather unverifiable.

Go to: The content behind the title, or
Go to: Content? Did somebody mention content?