Now that's comprehensive!

Did we really want to know what Mom ate, and how much of it, at each meal? From Mark's first (of two) reports from day two:
Mom had ground skinless baked chicken 60 Gm, Ground zucchini .5 cup, white rice .3 cup and chicken gravy. She used her left hand to lift the food to her mouth, the first attempt missed a bit to the right, but succeeded to eat half the chicken some of the zucchini and a bit of the rice. Also delivered were a wheat roll, pineapple juice and sherbet. The roll remained wrapped in plastic, but the pineapple juice she drank completely with a straw as I held the container and I served her the orange sherbet.
We continued to get a very complete picture of what was on her plate - both before and after the meal, and of the degree of success she had in getting it to her mouth.

But there's no simple answer to the question of whether we really wanted all this detail. Certainly it seems to be much more than was really called for, but on another level, it was precisely this degree of detail that helped us get a picture of what was happening with Mom. Of course we wanted the details, and Mark (and occasionally the web) certainly wouldn't have been able to provide them if he didn't have his PDA, or sometimes his laptop, with him.

Go to: Very extensive reporting, or
Go to: In health and in sickness