What's so bad about advertising?

I'm well aware of the fact that I tend to suggest that I yearn for some ideal of internet use in which all users are motivated by an honest desire to share their knowledge and to be enriched with information rather than money. That being the case, I should also admit I'm well aware of the fact that such an ideal never really existed. Not all advertising is a hard-sell, in-your-face, attempt to influence you against your better judgment. Even my laid-back running it up the flagpole approach is a form of advertising. What worries me isn't the fact that people seek out various ways of making their products (and themselves) known to others. That's totally legitimate, and basically unavoidable. I'm only fearful that a medium that was once touted as a marketplace of ideas, and for the free exchange of those ideas, has sold itself to the highest bidder.

Go to: There are legitimate reasons, or
Go to: Still running it up the flagpole