It's almost like masochism.

I know full well that on any given week my evenings are going to be primarily spent in front of the computer, catching up on limitless RSS feeds that threaten to bury me, doing some writing (which of course also demands more than just "some" reading), maybe helping the kids out with some homework, and perhaps even sitting quietly on the couch, dozing to the news or to a television series. Though it happens that we'll get out to a concert or (who am I kidding?) a play, these are very rare occurrences. That being the case, it hardly makes sense that I read through the lists of events in the newspapers, taking rather meticulous note of what concerts I'm not going to be hearing, what films I'm not going to be seeing, what art exhibits I won't be attending, and more.

Go to: It's too quiet here - I can't think.