Such beautiful bone structure!

I admit that a few months before she was born I uploaded an ultrasound of Hila to one of my earliest web sites. Back then I found this sort of "disclosure" rather exciting. Since then, however, though doctors have given us quite a few discs with x-rays on them, I haven't felt much of an urge to make these public. Not that I don't find them interesting - I do. But only for a short, and very limited, period of time. I was originally rather surprised to discover that the CDs we received didn't require professional software to which only doctors had access, but I suppose that in a manner similar to having a pirated copy of PhotoShop, if you don't know what to do with it, it really doesn't matter that you've got it.

Go to: Would you like to see my medical records?, or
Go to: Virtual worlds, and real health.