And that's precisely what I love about the web!

Some searches are run "out there", on the web, while others check past pages of the Boidem, if for no other reason than to verify that I haven't said all this before (which all too often I have). Yet others initiate a back-and-forth reciprocity in which checking something within the Boidem leads to clicking back into (or "out to") the web to see what's changed and/or what's stayed the same. It was this sort of search that brought me to one of my favorite sort of stumbles.

On that page from ten years ago I noted that I'd rediscovered a site that I'd visited a few years earlier and was pleased to learn that it was still there. Obviously, now was the right time to check again. And again, it's still there. What's more, though the contents page hasn't been updated in about five years, its editor and main writer is still posting monthly columns. He also occasionally updates his biography page, having first posted it in 1996, then added to it in 2008 and again in 2014. On that page I discovered someone a few years younger than me whose confession suggests we have a great deal in common:

I am a member of the first and last generation to undergo nuclear attack drills in which we were instructed to hide under our desks. I remember, during the Cuban Missile crisis, a radio broadcaster advising listeners to roll under a parked car if they happened to be on the street at the moment of the flash.
It seems that more than for any other reason he still posts to the web because ... because that simply seems to be the right thing to do, regardless of how many readers he has, or doesn't have. How can I not get excited about that!

Go to: Strangely, it's still not that common, or
Go to: It was nineteen years ago today.