It seems that "playful" can become tedious.

Back almost thirteen years ago I referred to, and linked to, Everything2, noting then that it seemed to be an unofficial outgrowth of Douglas Adams' Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy, and that it was a purposefully frivolous attempt to bring the Guide to the web. The site's wikipedia entry, BTW, doesn't acknowledge, or even mention this. The site is still around, as is another similar attempt, h2g2, though the latter seems to have petered out, or what's perhaps even worse, somewhere along the line started to take itself seriously. With the ubiquity of Wikipedia nobody really needs another encyclopedia unless it has a distinct, or idiosyncratic, take on things. Everything2 still maintains a playful attitude, but for me at least the more interesting entries and edits are from long ago, suggesting that this was a great game while it lasted, but most people seem to have moved on.

Go to: Intertwingle, Intertwingle, Little Link.