That would have been a nice touch.

I suppose that it would have made some sort of counter-intuitive sense to prepare a Boidem column such as this, devoted to examining the reality of the coming together of now and then, of here and now, and of just about everything (though admittedly not very successfully), simply as a "plain text" document, without any links whatsoever. I like the idea, but I lack the self-discipline to pull it off. Somewhere along the line, probably in the first paragraph, I'd find myself unable to resist some sort of tangential link. So instead of a linkless, highly focused text, it seems that what we have this time is a column in search of a topic. Not too long ago I was fearful that I was running out of topics that merited Boidem columns. The difficulties that this column encountered on the way toward being more or less completed, however, don't really prove that that's happening. Instead it seems that what those difficulties show is that when it comes to cyberspace and hypertext, for better or for worse, all topics seems to converge into one big blur.

Go to: Intertwingle, Intertwingle, Little Link.