Is all this really necessary?

Although as many as 19 years ago I already expressed a waning interest in "personal web pages", I continued to acknowledge my fascination with them. The Boidem, however, has never really been "personal". It's simply been subjective - my personal take on the ever-developing adventure of cyberspace and digitality. But when the Boidem began I had the honor of being a fairly early explorer, and I was thus able to touch on issues that really were new and novel. Two important changes have taken place since then - we're no longer overwhelmed by this no-longer-new reality, and many others are doing a wonderful job of examining this space. Because of these, though there are still many topics that merit examination, there seems to be much less a sense of urgency in doing so, and I can usually be pretty confident that someone else will examine them, though sometimes I discover almost the opposite. I don't deny that I enjoy preparing these columns, but there are times when it's become a chore, and when all these are taken into consideration, it's hard not to entertain the thought of calling it quits. Which I suppose explains this second year-long absence, and perhaps says something about possible future editions.

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