One day I'll do it.

Numerous times I've played with the idea of constructing a Boidem column that would consist solely of links to previous pages. After more than a decade of monthly columns I've covered an awful lot of territory - and not only in the stated, formal, topics of each column, but via the asides and digressions that are probably the bulk of what's really interesting here.

The impetus for such a column is usually the feeling that I get, while preparing a column, that I'm about to repeat myself. It's at times such as these that I'll ask myself whether it wouldn't make more sense to simply link to what I'd previously written. But of course I'm not really in the business of making sense here, but of trying to cajole the unexpected, the not-fully-obvious-to-the-eye, possibilities from what might, on the surface, hardly seem particularly worthy of second thoughts.

Go to: Inventing wheels in cyberspace.