Maybe things have been changing of late.

I don't mind making things up, but I prefer to be able to substantiate my claims with at least a bit of evidence. And that means running a few searches on terms such as "work, leisure, sleep", or "work, rest, sleep", or "work, home, sleep". The results? Very limited. It seems that what I historically identify as an established western mode of operation hasn't been getting much traction on the web. On an online forum from ten years ago (about which I know close to nothing) one participant introduced a topic:
We always hear from everyone that there should be 8 hours of sleep time, 8 hours of work time and 8 hours of leisure/relaxation time. What percentage of your day is made up of these three elements?
and a number of readers responded with how their day is divided. Most of the respondents noted longer work hours and less leisure and sleep, but that page hardly offers a sample population usable for research. And it definitely seems that today people have a somewhat different take on this division, as quite a number of T-shirts seem to suggest.

Go to: Making Jack dull.