Rather than becoming, undoing.

Back in the early days of the web, graphics depicting the idea of a site being "under-construction" were de-rigueur. The prevailing mindset was that a web site was, as I've acknowledged in the past, under continual construction, that it was always taking shape. But experience has made me question whether perhaps the opposite is really the case - from the moment a new site appears, it's essentially in a process of deconstruction, of decomposition. Yes, there's certainly a curve that originally leads toward greater involvement, toward more and more new additions. But it's a curve, and as such it eventually, and not too far off in the future, levels off, until in the vast majority of cases what was once continual construction fades into neglect.

Go to: It's not the point, it's the getting there, or
Go to: The Long Dark Year of the Boidem